Let it snow!
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! I always wished i could have a moment in snow. I would role in the snow, make snow balls for snow fights, build a snow empire and on top of all make a giant snowman with a corny face. Oh how i long for that moment... I have always dreamt of making an ice tower where i could sit right on the top and send flying kisses to the world or then again i could throw all the giant snow balls i make and start a war. heheheheh.. It would be called the feline tower. My tower would be made out of ice with thick purple border designs of cat paws. It would go as high as half of the KL tower. The roof would be made out of thousands oak tree leaves stuck onto an arch shaped ice block that formed the top. And on top of the roof there would be an egyptian cat symbolising the feline tower. There would be a glass window that surrounds the toppest part of the tower which could be opened to throw snowballs or just to feel the cool breeze. I would climb the tower right to the top and admire the view of the snowy roads, hills, and people playing in the snow. And when i get bored i shall start the snow war. People would have to pay the recipe to the perfect limited fiona's fairy tale ice cream from baskin robins if they wished to climb my tower. Only the perfect recipe will open the doors to my tower. Now i cant wait to make my dream come true. As for the moment i shall long for the moment where i get to have a moment in snow. So let it snow!!!!!