Confidence got me through!
International Students Night
8th October 2004
Bukit Kiara Equatrian Club
I joined a group of international friends to dance at this Night. Our dance was called "Indian Fusion" . It was a mix of 4 dances. The first one of which was a indian dance by Real(from India) and Audrey(from Indonesia). A serene performance with indian style. The second dance was a Bengoli dance by Fahim(from Bangladesh) and I. Now this dance was a jumpy banghra like dance with a little drama in it. The third dance was a mixture of indian and western culture. This was done by Audrey and I. Now this dance is a very seductive indian dance that revealhow indian dancers wiggles their hips and shake their ass. The song we danced to is a hindi song with a mix of english to it. For the final dance, we had Real doing a solo dance and joined by the rest of us for the finale. With the above description of the dance, it sounds like everything went on smoothly. But little is said. Yesterday turned out to be one of the worst days for me. That day is when i got sick just before the performance. Now it was 12 pm, just before lunch, and i get this painful stomach ache (not menstrual syndrome) and after a little while of discomfort i start throwing up (ewww). This got worse. I could not even focus. I felt like a smashed car. I was so dizzy, a migrain had to hit me. I had vomitted at least 5 times before i left for the full dress rehersal at 5pm. At rehersal's i did my dance, but have you ever danced with a stomach ache? I felt as if i was carrying a 20kg child on my tummy. Now this aint a joke. What was i going to do now after making myself feel much worse. Its 6pm and all performers were to meet back at 7pm. Now i have to see a doctor. I call a friend, Matthew and he takes me to the clinic. This is so sweet of Matthew to do so. Anyways, at the clinic, the doctor tells me, my stomach is filled with gas and i was having gastric. Now this is so weird, because i have never had gastric before. Doc then gives me a jab, which makes me feel all dizzy, and immediately after that i spill again. Doc says, he doesn't know how im going to perform in this state. He told me to try my best and pull out. he sends me off with medicines. What am i to do now? Am i too pull out and leave the others to a complete waste of time practicing for the past week, or was i gonna dance in my state? Well i decided to go there, and make my decision there. Its 7.40, and my dance is about to start. All of the sudden i get this flashback of my dad telling me when i was 13 ," you should do your best and complete the task even if you did not feel well. Just focus, and put your mind in it, you can do wonders. Confidence is the only thing that will get you through." Funny part is, i felt like doing it, i felt like completing the dance. I might not be at the best of health, but i had to finish it. I did not feel like letting anyone down. My group was kind enough to tell me that if i did not feel like doing the dance i did not have to. But i wanted to, so i did. And that is how it took place. I remembered every step. As the audience you would be able to tell that i was not in the best of moods, but i did try my best in that situation. Thats all that counts. Confidence pulled me through. After the show, no matter how bad i was feeling, i felt good inside that i had completed the task of performing and i could not be any happier.