Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing

Yes! I finally did rock climbing. Always wanted to do it, but never got down to doing it till today.

It was a quiet trip down to Port Dickson for me, although Port Dickson was filled with people as expected for it is the Chinese New Year break. I got there yesterday. Besides the usual things I do like sailing, chilling at the club, walking on the beach, etc, I got a chance to do some rock climbing at Ocean View Resort.

One of my mates, Brenda has a holdiay home there. That is how I got to know about the 36 feet Rock Climbing Wall. Yes. Its 36 feet tall. Quite ambitious for a person like me who has never done rock climbing in her entire life. Unsure about what she is about to face.

Here are some shots of this experience.

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Getting geared up. The harnest is so tight. The shoes are weird looking. It was the shape of my feet (its purpose is so you get the best grip possible). Helmet is the kids size one, cause I have a real small head.

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All set. Ready to go.
Check out my nervous smile.

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Where is my right foot supposed to go now?

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Only half way through. Still got 18 feet to go. This is more difficult than it looks. I kinda look like spiderman stuck on a wall.

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Almost there. Now to reach for that last rock. Oh no! My legs are shaking. How do I lift myself to ring that bell? This top bit was much trickier than the lower bits because all of the sudden, the rocks shrunk ( no! not literally. As in they were just smaller rocks).

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Ahah! The top! I made it! Woo Hoo. Time to ring the bell.

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Coming down was the best part. Just hanging on to the rope and kicking the wall as they lower the rope. Brilliant feeling. It was like I was starring in a Peter Pan movie. Now my legs are feeling funny.

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WALAH! hehehe. Yes, thats the "im so happy im on land" smile complete with a feline pose. (cats always land on their feet)

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Can you believe I got a certiticate for climbing 36 feet high? Awesome aint it?

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This was an awesome experience. And its all thanks to Brenda (please dont kill me for posting your picture up).

and now my body aches.
