He falls asleep in my arms,
to me singing summer time.
In a low key - he finds comfort,
resting his head for some time.
"Voice of an Angel" - I put on the album,
and let Charlotte soothe him.
He awakes as I do not hum.
Looking at me, he remains calm.
Sitting in my arms
in deep contemplation,
of the face behind the voice.
Astounded and marvelled.
He remains still,
music makes him happy.
Note:I wrote this watching my bunny, Mambo listen to Charlotte Church for the very first time. Music makes him calm. He loves it. Wish I captured it on video.
=) wow what a cute and lovely bunny you have!
I own one but she's white lol xD with black eyeliner
do you not blog anymore?
beutiful! post more
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