Trust hurts when its broken
Who can i trust? The word trust on its own has a literal meaning to allow someone to look after something with full confidence that it will be kept confidential. I still feel that, trusting someone is a burdened task unless you are used to the pain it brings when that trust is accidently broken. I placed alot of secrets to a single person, and behind my back she broke it. Now i wonder why it hurts, if i can say the secret was not such a big deal. The thought of that person breaking that promise not to tell a soul, is the sharpest knife that can pierce into your heart.
It hurts, it hurts so bad. Now i needed this person to keep that secret, but after going behind my back, i do not know who to trust anymore, for trust itself is a burdened task. Trust hurts when its broken. It hurts so much. Who is left to trust? I can trust no one but myself....
A collection of daily thoughts, ideas, words, poetry and journals through life's journey filled with inspiration to treasure golden moments. Meow!
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Onam, a harvest festival
Onam, a harvest festival
Today is the 28th of August 2004. It is Onam, the malayalee's harvest festival. On Onam, malayalee's celebrate the freshly collected harvest by having a banana leaf meal with a large amount of differently cooked vegetables on it. The meal is a vegetarian meal. The amount of dishes on the banana leaf varies on the individual hosting the house for the meal. There can be either 9,11, 15, 17 or 19 different types of dishes. Last night i attended an onam family dinner at my grandaunts place who was the host this year. We had 17 different dishes on the leaf!
The typical onam menu:
Aviyal (mixture of vegetable dish)
Thoran (any vegetable with grated coconut)
Elessery (pumpkin with red beans)
Olen (Ashgod- White pumpkin with long beans cooked in coconut milk)
Kalin (Banana in yoghurt and coconut milk)
Pachedi (mango with ripe banana blended)
Inchi Puli (ginger with tamarin)
Luichia (some kinda red berry with yoghurt)
Kondatam (green chili dried in yoghurt)
Pavaka (fried bittergod)
Green Peas Dahl with gee
Lime Pickle
Moru (Yoghurt with water, ginger and curry leaves)- not usually put in
White Paiyasam (made with milk)
Brown Paiyasam (made with coconut milk)
Tradition goes, that the the youth will serve the elders first. I learnt alot about indian culture last night while serving these dishes because the elders will sit and tell the tale of what vegetable it is, how it is best made. Only after the elders are done, the youth get to eat.
This is a picture of me after finishing the complete meal. Oh mann, its so filling, I can hardly walk!
To all my fellow bloggers,
Happy Onam!
Is a "Purple Finch" purple?
Is a "Purple Finch" purple?
I watched a documentary on birds while i was at the saloon today and came across a bird that attracted my utmost attention as it was called the "Purple Finch". Yes it may be called a purple finch, but no it is not a purple bird.
The name "Purple Finch" tends to be misleading. The bird is no more purple than it is yellow or blue. Crimson finch would be a more appropriate name. (However, the "purple" of the Bible and of classical writers was not very different from the red of the male purple finch.) The species has also been called "linnet" and even "purple grosbeak." Purple Finches are named for the raspberry-red color of the males. The raspberry color is deepest on the head, nape, face, throat, breast, flanks, and rump. The hindneck, back, and scapular feathers are deep red streaked with brown. Wings and tail are brown and the belly and undertail coverts are white. Now why is it called purple again? The female does not even have a shade near purple. Females are quite different, lacking any red color. The head is pale brown, with fine dark streaks, and a dark ear patch separating a broad white suprecilium and a white moustache stripe. The white moustache stripe is separated from the white of the throat by a brown malar stripe. Back and scapulars are brown and streaked; the rump, tail, and wings are also brown, but unstreaked. Throat, breast, and flanks are white with heavy brown streaks. The belly and undertail coverts are unstreaked white.
The state bird of New Hampshire, the Purple Finch is a bird of coniferous and mixed forests, as well as park-like areas, breeding in the northeastern United States, across southern Canada, and in the Cascades and western Sierra Nevada ranges of the West Coast.
Well this is a little about the Purple Finch for you. Doesn't it still leave you wondering why it's called "Purple Finch" when it has not a single shade of purple?
I watched a documentary on birds while i was at the saloon today and came across a bird that attracted my utmost attention as it was called the "Purple Finch". Yes it may be called a purple finch, but no it is not a purple bird.
The name "Purple Finch" tends to be misleading. The bird is no more purple than it is yellow or blue. Crimson finch would be a more appropriate name. (However, the "purple" of the Bible and of classical writers was not very different from the red of the male purple finch.) The species has also been called "linnet" and even "purple grosbeak." Purple Finches are named for the raspberry-red color of the males. The raspberry color is deepest on the head, nape, face, throat, breast, flanks, and rump. The hindneck, back, and scapular feathers are deep red streaked with brown. Wings and tail are brown and the belly and undertail coverts are white. Now why is it called purple again? The female does not even have a shade near purple. Females are quite different, lacking any red color. The head is pale brown, with fine dark streaks, and a dark ear patch separating a broad white suprecilium and a white moustache stripe. The white moustache stripe is separated from the white of the throat by a brown malar stripe. Back and scapulars are brown and streaked; the rump, tail, and wings are also brown, but unstreaked. Throat, breast, and flanks are white with heavy brown streaks. The belly and undertail coverts are unstreaked white.
The state bird of New Hampshire, the Purple Finch is a bird of coniferous and mixed forests, as well as park-like areas, breeding in the northeastern United States, across southern Canada, and in the Cascades and western Sierra Nevada ranges of the West Coast.
Well this is a little about the Purple Finch for you. Doesn't it still leave you wondering why it's called "Purple Finch" when it has not a single shade of purple?
Friday, August 27, 2004
I just love the taste of ice cream!
I just love the taste of ice cream!
Imagine standing in front of the box, filled with loads of different delicious melting ecstasy in which we call ice cream. I just love that feeling, gazing at all the different colours of ice cream, trying to pick out a favourite. It just makes your mouth water, watching them scoop up a spoon of the chosen cream for the day, and letting you taste what your money was spent for. Yummy.....I just love the taste of ice cream!
Ice Cream is sort of like my best friend. It cheers me up when im down, its always there for me in its icy coolself, it doesn't get bored of me, and it always comes up with sweeter flavours. Yum.... I could live eating only ice cream. Its funny, how ice cream, not being able to speak can cheer me up. I guess its icy cold self just numbs up my brain and leaves me without thinking about what had just happened. I love that numb feeling ice cream can give you when you eat it too fast, the ultimate brain freezer. Ice Cream, oh ice cream how i love thee in my company.
Many people have the mentality that ice cream being cold can give you a flu. I for one had that mentality, but i read this article in the "Australian's womens weekly" and came across the fact that ice cream keeps you away from nasty flus. Now how is this possible? isnt ice cream bad for health? Nope. It isn't. Today we have such thing as a healthy ice cream. Most well known parlours have already added probiotic microbes to their ice cream which could aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and fight bad bacteria. You see, ice cream isn't all that bad, its like taking more antibiotics which is good as it boost the immune system.
Dont you just love ice cream now?
Imagine standing in front of the box, filled with loads of different delicious melting ecstasy in which we call ice cream. I just love that feeling, gazing at all the different colours of ice cream, trying to pick out a favourite. It just makes your mouth water, watching them scoop up a spoon of the chosen cream for the day, and letting you taste what your money was spent for. Yummy.....I just love the taste of ice cream!
Ice Cream is sort of like my best friend. It cheers me up when im down, its always there for me in its icy coolself, it doesn't get bored of me, and it always comes up with sweeter flavours. Yum.... I could live eating only ice cream. Its funny, how ice cream, not being able to speak can cheer me up. I guess its icy cold self just numbs up my brain and leaves me without thinking about what had just happened. I love that numb feeling ice cream can give you when you eat it too fast, the ultimate brain freezer. Ice Cream, oh ice cream how i love thee in my company.
Many people have the mentality that ice cream being cold can give you a flu. I for one had that mentality, but i read this article in the "Australian's womens weekly" and came across the fact that ice cream keeps you away from nasty flus. Now how is this possible? isnt ice cream bad for health? Nope. It isn't. Today we have such thing as a healthy ice cream. Most well known parlours have already added probiotic microbes to their ice cream which could aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and fight bad bacteria. You see, ice cream isn't all that bad, its like taking more antibiotics which is good as it boost the immune system.
Dont you just love ice cream now?
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Who are my real friends?
Who are my real friends?
Before i start todays blog, just want to say that all my posts is about my life, my discoveries, and my opinions. As a blogger of my site, please have the respect to not push pure insults, or condemn my posts. Yes you have the right to comment, but comment wisely and nicely. Discussions are beautiful, but proving a point that my own opinion which is on my blog is wrong is not beautiful, not even near nice. Thank you all for reading my blog and participating in it, i really appriciate it, but do bare in mind that some times its alright to be mean, but you have no right to be bad. So if you have a point to prove, take it out onto your own blog. Other than that its so nice to have loads of you involved in my blog. Thank you for all your time. So to not waste anymore is todays topic: Who are my real friends?
I realised today, that all my life i spent trying to please people, trying to be accepted, trying to be cool. But little did i know that inside i was cool. This means i was cool being me, and i tried so many many things just to be someone i am not. All those people i called my best friends, i do not know who they are anymore. I dont know what they are doing, where they are, how they are feeling, i dont know anything a best friend should know. A best friend would keep in touch even after you depart into two different ways leaving high school and moving on.
But nope, i havent done any of that. So what kind of friend am i? or what type of friends did i make my best friend? After years of trying my best to be accepted, i still do not have a best friend. What is a best friend now? Im so confused. I wish i had a friend whom i can call a best friend, who knows me for who i am, and appriciates me for who i am. So now i sit and ponder, who are my real friends?
Before i start todays blog, just want to say that all my posts is about my life, my discoveries, and my opinions. As a blogger of my site, please have the respect to not push pure insults, or condemn my posts. Yes you have the right to comment, but comment wisely and nicely. Discussions are beautiful, but proving a point that my own opinion which is on my blog is wrong is not beautiful, not even near nice. Thank you all for reading my blog and participating in it, i really appriciate it, but do bare in mind that some times its alright to be mean, but you have no right to be bad. So if you have a point to prove, take it out onto your own blog. Other than that its so nice to have loads of you involved in my blog. Thank you for all your time. So to not waste anymore is todays topic: Who are my real friends?
I realised today, that all my life i spent trying to please people, trying to be accepted, trying to be cool. But little did i know that inside i was cool. This means i was cool being me, and i tried so many many things just to be someone i am not. All those people i called my best friends, i do not know who they are anymore. I dont know what they are doing, where they are, how they are feeling, i dont know anything a best friend should know. A best friend would keep in touch even after you depart into two different ways leaving high school and moving on.
But nope, i havent done any of that. So what kind of friend am i? or what type of friends did i make my best friend? After years of trying my best to be accepted, i still do not have a best friend. What is a best friend now? Im so confused. I wish i had a friend whom i can call a best friend, who knows me for who i am, and appriciates me for who i am. So now i sit and ponder, who are my real friends?
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Why are we so unorganised?
Why are we so unorganised?
I have honestly have yet to discover a government system that is efficient. I mean i am in Malaysia, and Malaysia being a developing country in Information Technology, I still have not found a single efficient government system here. Take a look at the JPJ office(where you register your car), Registration office, Immigration office, Driving license exam unit, etc. None of them are efficient.
Today i spent my entire morning at the registration office just to switch my identity card into the new card which is called the "My Kad". Yes, the card is supposed to be a result of efficient work but the making itself can tell you how much effientcy we have to undergo. Just doing so, i had to spend 5 hours of pure waiting at the office.
Now let me tell you a little about how things work at the registration office. You come as early as you want, queue up in this really long queue and pick a number. Today i got number 461. Now comes the worst part, the waiting part. It all starts with number 001 at 8AM sharp. Thats 460 people before me. Now how many counters do they have? hmmm a fare deal of 12. but are they all open? No. there were only 6 counters open today. Now this is annoying. Not just the point that the numbers move so slowly but the fact that you have to sit in an environment where you gotta listen to this guy, who i think unmistakenly has a soar throat, shouting calling numbers to go to their respective counters. What a heavenly site? (not*) People fill the place, its crowded, and its noisy. It almost reminds me of a market. After that, once we have waited hours, our number is called, and we go and give in our forms, where here they check our names and addresses to complete their task and make our thumb print into the computer. Now after 5 minutes of this, round 2 of waiting starts till they call your number again to take a picture of you. Now i must say, ive never thought that these officers working could be so carefree. Instead of speeding up the process of taking the picture, they actually tell you to tidy up your hair, stand straight and then they snap.(i dont have a thing against looking good, its just bare n mind there are people waiting) After that they tell me to see if the picture is ok, if im happy with it, if not they will take it again. Now is this not a bit too much. Since when did the government care how we looked like?
Why do we have to keep a carefree attitude when it comes to work? Isn't a country thats diciplined more efficient? Its a sad thought, but the thought still haunts me. Yet, why are we so unorganised?
I have honestly have yet to discover a government system that is efficient. I mean i am in Malaysia, and Malaysia being a developing country in Information Technology, I still have not found a single efficient government system here. Take a look at the JPJ office(where you register your car), Registration office, Immigration office, Driving license exam unit, etc. None of them are efficient.
Today i spent my entire morning at the registration office just to switch my identity card into the new card which is called the "My Kad". Yes, the card is supposed to be a result of efficient work but the making itself can tell you how much effientcy we have to undergo. Just doing so, i had to spend 5 hours of pure waiting at the office.
Now let me tell you a little about how things work at the registration office. You come as early as you want, queue up in this really long queue and pick a number. Today i got number 461. Now comes the worst part, the waiting part. It all starts with number 001 at 8AM sharp. Thats 460 people before me. Now how many counters do they have? hmmm a fare deal of 12. but are they all open? No. there were only 6 counters open today. Now this is annoying. Not just the point that the numbers move so slowly but the fact that you have to sit in an environment where you gotta listen to this guy, who i think unmistakenly has a soar throat, shouting calling numbers to go to their respective counters. What a heavenly site? (not*) People fill the place, its crowded, and its noisy. It almost reminds me of a market. After that, once we have waited hours, our number is called, and we go and give in our forms, where here they check our names and addresses to complete their task and make our thumb print into the computer. Now after 5 minutes of this, round 2 of waiting starts till they call your number again to take a picture of you. Now i must say, ive never thought that these officers working could be so carefree. Instead of speeding up the process of taking the picture, they actually tell you to tidy up your hair, stand straight and then they snap.(i dont have a thing against looking good, its just bare n mind there are people waiting) After that they tell me to see if the picture is ok, if im happy with it, if not they will take it again. Now is this not a bit too much. Since when did the government care how we looked like?
Why do we have to keep a carefree attitude when it comes to work? Isn't a country thats diciplined more efficient? Its a sad thought, but the thought still haunts me. Yet, why are we so unorganised?
Monday, August 23, 2004
Purple Cauliflower
Purple Cauliflower

Hey bloggers! Have you ever eaten purple cauliflower? I came across this vegetable last week when my mum returned from Cameron's Higland with tones of fresh vegetables. Of course the one that caught my attention most was the purple cauliflower. Its purple! Can you believe it? So looks like now i can have a vegetable moto (lol). Well you never know.
What does it taste like? hmmm...i must say once you cook it, it taste much more cruchier than the usual white cauliflower. I went crazy over the vegetable, that i used a whole role of film snapping pictures of the cauliflower. So this is one of the pictures.
So is the purple colouring a result of genetical engineering? Nope! “Purple Cauliflower” resulted from the discovery of a purpled coloured spontaneous mutant plant in a cauliflower field in the late eighties, and years of dedicated classical breeding at the research station "Danefeld" in Denmark.
Purple Cauliflower thus has the potential to produce a curd of good quality without the usual cauliflower defects. Colour gets darker at high light levels, but is attractive even under low light conditions and is completely independent of temperature. The purple head can be used in various ways to add colour and taste to various cauliflower dishes. The taste is very mild in the raw product. In the UK market it is recognized as one of the best tasting cauliflowers on the market. Purple Cauliflower is also well suited to different methods of cooking and Dæhnfeldt has had some special recipes developed together with a Danish chef.
So is the purple colour a result of bruising? Nope! The purple colour is due to formation of anthocyanins also found in red cabbage and in red wine. The Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences has carried out analyses showing that Purple Cauliflower contains approximately 200 times more anthocyanin than a white cauliflower exhibiting "pinking" but with exactly the same substances. (gee...i sound smart!)
So you see, your not exactlly eating a coloured vegetable coloured with artificial colouring. Purple Cauliflower is healthy! Its good for you!!! hmmm. Maybe i should try making purple cauliflower juice... yummy (*yucky)... Lol....we will never know till we try it.
Hey bloggers! Have you ever eaten purple cauliflower? I came across this vegetable last week when my mum returned from Cameron's Higland with tones of fresh vegetables. Of course the one that caught my attention most was the purple cauliflower. Its purple! Can you believe it? So looks like now i can have a vegetable moto (lol). Well you never know.
What does it taste like? hmmm...i must say once you cook it, it taste much more cruchier than the usual white cauliflower. I went crazy over the vegetable, that i used a whole role of film snapping pictures of the cauliflower. So this is one of the pictures.
So is the purple colouring a result of genetical engineering? Nope! “Purple Cauliflower” resulted from the discovery of a purpled coloured spontaneous mutant plant in a cauliflower field in the late eighties, and years of dedicated classical breeding at the research station "Danefeld" in Denmark.
Purple Cauliflower thus has the potential to produce a curd of good quality without the usual cauliflower defects. Colour gets darker at high light levels, but is attractive even under low light conditions and is completely independent of temperature. The purple head can be used in various ways to add colour and taste to various cauliflower dishes. The taste is very mild in the raw product. In the UK market it is recognized as one of the best tasting cauliflowers on the market. Purple Cauliflower is also well suited to different methods of cooking and Dæhnfeldt has had some special recipes developed together with a Danish chef.
So is the purple colour a result of bruising? Nope! The purple colour is due to formation of anthocyanins also found in red cabbage and in red wine. The Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences has carried out analyses showing that Purple Cauliflower contains approximately 200 times more anthocyanin than a white cauliflower exhibiting "pinking" but with exactly the same substances. (gee...i sound smart!)
So you see, your not exactlly eating a coloured vegetable coloured with artificial colouring. Purple Cauliflower is healthy! Its good for you!!! hmmm. Maybe i should try making purple cauliflower juice... yummy (*yucky)... Lol....we will never know till we try it.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
What would i do with my estate?
What would i do with my estate?
This post is the question i answered in "moral studies" LAN exam i had today. An interesting question, i would say that seeked alot of attention to those who were not so well read (lol). The question: What would you do to your estate, following by your death to greatly benefit humanity, even if it would mean leaving your family with not a single penny? Would you do it? Why?
Before i start, nope this is not a will. It is something i want to do, which i feel i should do, but not sure yet if i can do, because if i do, it might hurt my loved ones.
I would give my entire estate for the use of legal aid, following by my death. I am well aware of the many issues relating with minorities who here i refer to as the poor. Every day we open the newspapers, only to find cases on minorities being wrongly accused by the law. As a law student myself, i know the great difficulty the government under goes to preserve justice among its citizens. Then why is it that so many cases stop half way with the minority owing a great debt. Simply because of their financial situation! Yes the goverment, is supposed to offer legal aid to those in need, but today there are just too many cases for the government to handle. The government does not provide for everyone, but is limited to certain amount. Most lawyers today can be said to be rather selfish in situations involving legal aid. They raise their prices because the know the government pays. By doing so, the government would not have enough to cover all the legal aid cases for the year as for the lack of money.
We see so many innocent poor people today who are accused wrongly. They cannot fight for their rights, as fighting would involve the need for money. Many cases, like child abuse and, criminal cases often go unheard, and the victims, only suffer more. So how does justice prevail here? I would love to see justice among citizens, but i alone cannot do much. All i can do when i die, is to donate my entire estate towards legal aid. Hopefully with the little i have, some cases can be heard.
As for family, i do not leave them with none. Yes they might not get a single penny, but they will receive God's blessing as God has seen his servants kindness to help one another. As a christian i believe God rewards those who do good. I might not be alive to receive his blessings, but those blessings will go to my family, my loved ones. After all, blessings are more important to me than money. Money can buy you a house, but not a home.
Therefore, this is what i want to do,i feel i should do, not sure if i would do because if i do, it could hurt my loved ones. Well bloggers i am signing out with one thing for you to remember, money aint everything!
(this is just a brief adaption from my essay. The real thing is 500 words long.)
This post is the question i answered in "moral studies" LAN exam i had today. An interesting question, i would say that seeked alot of attention to those who were not so well read (lol). The question: What would you do to your estate, following by your death to greatly benefit humanity, even if it would mean leaving your family with not a single penny? Would you do it? Why?
Before i start, nope this is not a will. It is something i want to do, which i feel i should do, but not sure yet if i can do, because if i do, it might hurt my loved ones.
I would give my entire estate for the use of legal aid, following by my death. I am well aware of the many issues relating with minorities who here i refer to as the poor. Every day we open the newspapers, only to find cases on minorities being wrongly accused by the law. As a law student myself, i know the great difficulty the government under goes to preserve justice among its citizens. Then why is it that so many cases stop half way with the minority owing a great debt. Simply because of their financial situation! Yes the goverment, is supposed to offer legal aid to those in need, but today there are just too many cases for the government to handle. The government does not provide for everyone, but is limited to certain amount. Most lawyers today can be said to be rather selfish in situations involving legal aid. They raise their prices because the know the government pays. By doing so, the government would not have enough to cover all the legal aid cases for the year as for the lack of money.
We see so many innocent poor people today who are accused wrongly. They cannot fight for their rights, as fighting would involve the need for money. Many cases, like child abuse and, criminal cases often go unheard, and the victims, only suffer more. So how does justice prevail here? I would love to see justice among citizens, but i alone cannot do much. All i can do when i die, is to donate my entire estate towards legal aid. Hopefully with the little i have, some cases can be heard.
As for family, i do not leave them with none. Yes they might not get a single penny, but they will receive God's blessing as God has seen his servants kindness to help one another. As a christian i believe God rewards those who do good. I might not be alive to receive his blessings, but those blessings will go to my family, my loved ones. After all, blessings are more important to me than money. Money can buy you a house, but not a home.
Therefore, this is what i want to do,i feel i should do, not sure if i would do because if i do, it could hurt my loved ones. Well bloggers i am signing out with one thing for you to remember, money aint everything!
(this is just a brief adaption from my essay. The real thing is 500 words long.)
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Am i really Indian?
Am i really Indian?
I am an indian girl who knows little about indian culture. I maybe born a pure malayalee, but inside i dont really know what being a malayalee is really about. I dont speak the language, neither do i understand it. I cant tell the differences between 2 different indian dialects.
I know little about indian food, all i know of it is it uses loads of spices. Indian food for me is just food. I cant tell the difference between a good biriyani and a bad one. I had actually thought Roti Canai (Paratha) originated from the Malays, when the name itself gave an obvious clue that it came from Chenai, India. Did you know that you had to use a particular fish for the red fish curry. The wrong type of fish would ruin the dish. There are loads of different types of spices used to cook an indian dish. Wonder why, they often say, " that Ammama makes the best biriyani, or that Amachi makes the best chicken curry because she has got a secret family recipe" Well its no wonder the all have their own secret recipes, there are millions of different spices to choose from. Just using a different spice gives the dish a completely different taste!
Indian culture is a whole new world to me. I have lots to learn to actually carry my self as an Indian and to know what i really am. So why is it, that i dont know much about being Indian? Why have i adopted english as my mother tongue? It takes alot being an indian, and carrying yourself as one. Being born an indian, does not make you a real indian until you have lived a life of knowing your culture- Gandhi . So am i really indian?
I am an indian girl who knows little about indian culture. I maybe born a pure malayalee, but inside i dont really know what being a malayalee is really about. I dont speak the language, neither do i understand it. I cant tell the differences between 2 different indian dialects.
I know little about indian food, all i know of it is it uses loads of spices. Indian food for me is just food. I cant tell the difference between a good biriyani and a bad one. I had actually thought Roti Canai (Paratha) originated from the Malays, when the name itself gave an obvious clue that it came from Chenai, India. Did you know that you had to use a particular fish for the red fish curry. The wrong type of fish would ruin the dish. There are loads of different types of spices used to cook an indian dish. Wonder why, they often say, " that Ammama makes the best biriyani, or that Amachi makes the best chicken curry because she has got a secret family recipe" Well its no wonder the all have their own secret recipes, there are millions of different spices to choose from. Just using a different spice gives the dish a completely different taste!
Indian culture is a whole new world to me. I have lots to learn to actually carry my self as an Indian and to know what i really am. So why is it, that i dont know much about being Indian? Why have i adopted english as my mother tongue? It takes alot being an indian, and carrying yourself as one. Being born an indian, does not make you a real indian until you have lived a life of knowing your culture- Gandhi . So am i really indian?
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Add Math Puzzle
Add Math Puzzle
Mathematiclly sounding crazy. Isnt it funny how when you teach a subject you tend to understand it better than when you learn it. I for one was never really good in additional mathematics. I loved the subject but was never good in it. I did not fair too well in Add Maths back in school, but all of the sudden add maths seems so easy. What was wrong with me? Did i not see how easy it is then when i need it for exams?
Strangely after months of not touching add maths books, i volunteer to coach a friend who is sitting for spm(which is equalivent to O levels) this year in add maths, thinking he would know most of it, and i would probably be just friendly support. I know i love dreaming, but not all dreams come true that easily. Nope he was not able to do the sums. I was now in trouble. Why did i volunteer to coach if i had no clue what so ever how good i really was it add math. Being a great actress i look at the book, trying to seeming try to find a way out. Sums look hard as they were long. But funny enough, i was able to do them. Its not so hard after all. Why didnt i see that when i was back in school when i needed them? Guess you just know as you grow older.
Mathematiclly sounding crazy. Isnt it funny how when you teach a subject you tend to understand it better than when you learn it. I for one was never really good in additional mathematics. I loved the subject but was never good in it. I did not fair too well in Add Maths back in school, but all of the sudden add maths seems so easy. What was wrong with me? Did i not see how easy it is then when i need it for exams?
Strangely after months of not touching add maths books, i volunteer to coach a friend who is sitting for spm(which is equalivent to O levels) this year in add maths, thinking he would know most of it, and i would probably be just friendly support. I know i love dreaming, but not all dreams come true that easily. Nope he was not able to do the sums. I was now in trouble. Why did i volunteer to coach if i had no clue what so ever how good i really was it add math. Being a great actress i look at the book, trying to seeming try to find a way out. Sums look hard as they were long. But funny enough, i was able to do them. Its not so hard after all. Why didnt i see that when i was back in school when i needed them? Guess you just know as you grow older.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Going hip hop crazy!
Going hip hop crazy!
Hey there my fellow bloggers, am so sorry for the late posts! i have been busy studying for exams, that little did i know time past by so fast that its already the next day, and its time to write another blog. Anyways...
Have you ever wondered what would happen to this world if everyone went hip hop crazy? We would have loads of Jay Zs and Missy Eliots walking around the streets partying till the wee hours of the day. Imagine having the whole town changed into a hip hop street night. Cars would be painted to suit backstreet hip hop artistic ideas. The traffic lights will change to tune to hip hop songs. Each beat of the song will change the colours of the light. Every night a huge disco ball that blasts hip hop music will hang from the pale sky that would be lighted with different neon colours moving around the area. Nights would be called the ghetto night town as the whole town is turned into a disco. People dont have to pay to go into clubs, they can just dance on the streets as there would be blasting hip hop tracks coming from the disco ball. Some ghetto night hostess would dress up as hip as Lil Kim can get going around taking your drink orders. Your drinks charge would be paid simply by making a cool dance move, that gets the crowds attention. This would be just like a free clubbing night.
Imagine going to school and learning how to dance hip hop. The teachers would be more of hip hop dancers, like Jessica Alba. Kids would watch movies like Honey and U've got served to boost their enthusiam in hip hop dancing. It would be a state rule that everyone who lives in the state would have to know how to dance hip hop. Our education minister would be Wade Robson. Valid Victorians would get a chance to be featured on Wade's show. Scholarships would be offered by the Wade academy of hip hop dancers. So what you think? Aint this something to be studying hard for?
Lol....This is just a crazy hip hop dream. Plan on meeting Ja Rule on the streets, then hope this dream comes true!
Hey there my fellow bloggers, am so sorry for the late posts! i have been busy studying for exams, that little did i know time past by so fast that its already the next day, and its time to write another blog. Anyways...
Have you ever wondered what would happen to this world if everyone went hip hop crazy? We would have loads of Jay Zs and Missy Eliots walking around the streets partying till the wee hours of the day. Imagine having the whole town changed into a hip hop street night. Cars would be painted to suit backstreet hip hop artistic ideas. The traffic lights will change to tune to hip hop songs. Each beat of the song will change the colours of the light. Every night a huge disco ball that blasts hip hop music will hang from the pale sky that would be lighted with different neon colours moving around the area. Nights would be called the ghetto night town as the whole town is turned into a disco. People dont have to pay to go into clubs, they can just dance on the streets as there would be blasting hip hop tracks coming from the disco ball. Some ghetto night hostess would dress up as hip as Lil Kim can get going around taking your drink orders. Your drinks charge would be paid simply by making a cool dance move, that gets the crowds attention. This would be just like a free clubbing night.
Imagine going to school and learning how to dance hip hop. The teachers would be more of hip hop dancers, like Jessica Alba. Kids would watch movies like Honey and U've got served to boost their enthusiam in hip hop dancing. It would be a state rule that everyone who lives in the state would have to know how to dance hip hop. Our education minister would be Wade Robson. Valid Victorians would get a chance to be featured on Wade's show. Scholarships would be offered by the Wade academy of hip hop dancers. So what you think? Aint this something to be studying hard for?
Lol....This is just a crazy hip hop dream. Plan on meeting Ja Rule on the streets, then hope this dream comes true!
Monday, August 16, 2004
Let it snow!
Let it snow!
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! I always wished i could have a moment in snow. I would role in the snow, make snow balls for snow fights, build a snow empire and on top of all make a giant snowman with a corny face. Oh how i long for that moment... I have always dreamt of making an ice tower where i could sit right on the top and send flying kisses to the world or then again i could throw all the giant snow balls i make and start a war. heheheheh.. It would be called the feline tower. My tower would be made out of ice with thick purple border designs of cat paws. It would go as high as half of the KL tower. The roof would be made out of thousands oak tree leaves stuck onto an arch shaped ice block that formed the top. And on top of the roof there would be an egyptian cat symbolising the feline tower. There would be a glass window that surrounds the toppest part of the tower which could be opened to throw snowballs or just to feel the cool breeze. I would climb the tower right to the top and admire the view of the snowy roads, hills, and people playing in the snow. And when i get bored i shall start the snow war. People would have to pay the recipe to the perfect limited fiona's fairy tale ice cream from baskin robins if they wished to climb my tower. Only the perfect recipe will open the doors to my tower. Now i cant wait to make my dream come true. As for the moment i shall long for the moment where i get to have a moment in snow. So let it snow!!!!!
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! I always wished i could have a moment in snow. I would role in the snow, make snow balls for snow fights, build a snow empire and on top of all make a giant snowman with a corny face. Oh how i long for that moment... I have always dreamt of making an ice tower where i could sit right on the top and send flying kisses to the world or then again i could throw all the giant snow balls i make and start a war. heheheheh.. It would be called the feline tower. My tower would be made out of ice with thick purple border designs of cat paws. It would go as high as half of the KL tower. The roof would be made out of thousands oak tree leaves stuck onto an arch shaped ice block that formed the top. And on top of the roof there would be an egyptian cat symbolising the feline tower. There would be a glass window that surrounds the toppest part of the tower which could be opened to throw snowballs or just to feel the cool breeze. I would climb the tower right to the top and admire the view of the snowy roads, hills, and people playing in the snow. And when i get bored i shall start the snow war. People would have to pay the recipe to the perfect limited fiona's fairy tale ice cream from baskin robins if they wished to climb my tower. Only the perfect recipe will open the doors to my tower. Now i cant wait to make my dream come true. As for the moment i shall long for the moment where i get to have a moment in snow. So let it snow!!!!!
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Jean Pierre
Jean Pierre

This is Jean Piere. Jean Pierre is my fighting fish which i bought on the 4th of July this year. Its radiant shades of blue and purple gives him an elegant look that helps it live up to its name. This breed of fighting fish is known as the siamese fighting fish. Siamese fighting fish are best known for their explosive male rivalries.
The mating habits of a fighting fish are known to vary in different species. The siamese fighting fish are mouth brooders. With each of these species the female will produce a small number eggs and the male takes them into his mouth. The male will carry the eggs, going without food, until they hatch. Even then, the male will continue to carry the young in his mouth until they can swim freely in their habitat. Talk about a man bringing up the kids, a fighting fish can be your example.
It is sad though, the life of a fighting fish seems rather lonely. Looking at Jean Pierre everyday, i feel sorry for him as he lives a rather lonely life. I would buy him a mate, but he would probably just kill her. Thats why they are called fighting fish. As lonely as it may seem, Jean Pierre still looks as elegant as ever among the red stones and the green money plant which he loves playing with.
This is Jean Piere. Jean Pierre is my fighting fish which i bought on the 4th of July this year. Its radiant shades of blue and purple gives him an elegant look that helps it live up to its name. This breed of fighting fish is known as the siamese fighting fish. Siamese fighting fish are best known for their explosive male rivalries.
The mating habits of a fighting fish are known to vary in different species. The siamese fighting fish are mouth brooders. With each of these species the female will produce a small number eggs and the male takes them into his mouth. The male will carry the eggs, going without food, until they hatch. Even then, the male will continue to carry the young in his mouth until they can swim freely in their habitat. Talk about a man bringing up the kids, a fighting fish can be your example.
It is sad though, the life of a fighting fish seems rather lonely. Looking at Jean Pierre everyday, i feel sorry for him as he lives a rather lonely life. I would buy him a mate, but he would probably just kill her. Thats why they are called fighting fish. As lonely as it may seem, Jean Pierre still looks as elegant as ever among the red stones and the green money plant which he loves playing with.
Longer life span being sick
Longer life span being sick
Being sick is not so bad after all. Some stats in America show that people who fall sick frequently tend to live longer than people who dont. I know it sounds silly, but its a fact. People who frequently fall sick become more immune to loads of different types of antibiotics. This helps their body fight different kinds of bacterias as well as flus. Ironically people who dont usually fall sick tend to have a shorter life span than those who do. Stats show that these people dont die through sickness but instead, other ways. I hate being sick, but after looking at these statistics, i dont think i hate being sick all that much. So can we really live up the phrase,"an apple a day keeps the doctor away?"
Being sick is not so bad after all. Some stats in America show that people who fall sick frequently tend to live longer than people who dont. I know it sounds silly, but its a fact. People who frequently fall sick become more immune to loads of different types of antibiotics. This helps their body fight different kinds of bacterias as well as flus. Ironically people who dont usually fall sick tend to have a shorter life span than those who do. Stats show that these people dont die through sickness but instead, other ways. I hate being sick, but after looking at these statistics, i dont think i hate being sick all that much. So can we really live up the phrase,"an apple a day keeps the doctor away?"
Saturday, August 14, 2004
As innocent as strawberries
As innocent as strawberries

Strawberries....yummy! Did you know that strawberries are often known as the most innocent fruit? Ever heard of the saying, " as innocent as strawberries" ? Well this is because a strawberry survives only in a specific temperature. Not too cold and not too hot. Even the slighest change in temperature can change the sweetness of a strawberry. Thats why strawberries in Cameron Higlands, Malaysia often produce a sweet-sour taste. The temperature is not right to produce the right taste of a sweet ripe strawberry. Being the only fruit in the world that is like this, has made it the most innocent fruit. It did not ask to be like it is, it was born as it is. But no matter how sweet or sour strawberry taste, i guess its still up to the individual to decide how tasty it is. After all we all have our own taste buds!
Strawberries....yummy! Did you know that strawberries are often known as the most innocent fruit? Ever heard of the saying, " as innocent as strawberries" ? Well this is because a strawberry survives only in a specific temperature. Not too cold and not too hot. Even the slighest change in temperature can change the sweetness of a strawberry. Thats why strawberries in Cameron Higlands, Malaysia often produce a sweet-sour taste. The temperature is not right to produce the right taste of a sweet ripe strawberry. Being the only fruit in the world that is like this, has made it the most innocent fruit. It did not ask to be like it is, it was born as it is. But no matter how sweet or sour strawberry taste, i guess its still up to the individual to decide how tasty it is. After all we all have our own taste buds!
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Enjoying a hair treatment
Enjoying a hair treatment
I was browsing through the internet and i found an interesting study done by Cambridge University that only 35% of Women today enjoy sitting at a saloon for hours getting a hair treatment. I am one of the few women in that 35% category. Never did i know this till today, when after spending already 4 hours in the saloon treating my hair, a question was raised on how women have the patience to sit for long hours at saloons. I used to be able to answer that saying its the same way how people sit in front of the tv for long hours. Talking to a couple of girlfriends today, i realised that among the 6 of us i was the only one who enjoyed sitting at the saloon for hours. Its funny out of the 6, i always seemed like the least fashionable one. These girls did modelling, fashion designing, love to gossip and fancy the talk of make overs, but ironically they become restless after only an over has passed. Sounds strange as they seem like the types used to it but the fact still remains true. Yet i still am one who enjoys pleasuring myself, treating my hair at a saloon. I dont care how long it takes, as long as i leave looking GOOD. It also feels good to be part of the minority and knowing you look good. When you look good, you feel good!
I was browsing through the internet and i found an interesting study done by Cambridge University that only 35% of Women today enjoy sitting at a saloon for hours getting a hair treatment. I am one of the few women in that 35% category. Never did i know this till today, when after spending already 4 hours in the saloon treating my hair, a question was raised on how women have the patience to sit for long hours at saloons. I used to be able to answer that saying its the same way how people sit in front of the tv for long hours. Talking to a couple of girlfriends today, i realised that among the 6 of us i was the only one who enjoyed sitting at the saloon for hours. Its funny out of the 6, i always seemed like the least fashionable one. These girls did modelling, fashion designing, love to gossip and fancy the talk of make overs, but ironically they become restless after only an over has passed. Sounds strange as they seem like the types used to it but the fact still remains true. Yet i still am one who enjoys pleasuring myself, treating my hair at a saloon. I dont care how long it takes, as long as i leave looking GOOD. It also feels good to be part of the minority and knowing you look good. When you look good, you feel good!
Wednesday, August 11, 2004

This purple bear's name is Romeo. Romeo is staying in New Zealand currently. The picture you see is him in his winter cap. He named his winter cap beanie. Apparently beanie went missing when his owner snuggled up with him tightly one night. "Its freezing in New Zealand!" Romeo complains. hehehehe... well he looks like he could use a big warm hug. Isnt that what bears are for? to be hugged?
This purple bear's name is Romeo. Romeo is staying in New Zealand currently. The picture you see is him in his winter cap. He named his winter cap beanie. Apparently beanie went missing when his owner snuggled up with him tightly one night. "Its freezing in New Zealand!" Romeo complains. hehehehe... well he looks like he could use a big warm hug. Isnt that what bears are for? to be hugged?
Monday, August 09, 2004
Charlie's Angels
Charlie's Angels

My two dear friends from college. We are known as the Charlie's Angels.
My two dear friends from college. We are known as the Charlie's Angels.
Coffee Bean!
Coffee Bean!
oooh how i crave for a icey cool pure chocolate ice blended from Coffee Bean. It just brings back happy memories of the time i worked as a baristar there. Shaking drinks, steaming milk, making foam, blending chocolate powder with ice and lots of little berry stuff, and of course preparing a full course meal for our customers. At Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, we serve you the best coffees at the right temperature at the right time. Feeling like a coffee? Went to church in the evening, and after a nice short mass, my family and i decide to shop at metrojaya. Plan to quench my thirst, i pop in at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf where i see, styled in the managers outfit, Christine, my dear friend from Mont Kiara outlet, where i was working before. My, oh my! Christine's now a manager. We used to be trainees, and now shes the big boss. How cool is that?
We had a nice chat, while they made me a large pure chocolate ice blend for me with a 10% discount. The values of being a staff of coffee bean n tea leaf. Oh how i miss them so much. People out there, want to know how i feel, just pop by and grab a drink at Coffee Bean n Tea Leaf and i promise you, you will leave with mouth watering moment. hehehehe.
oooh how i crave for a icey cool pure chocolate ice blended from Coffee Bean. It just brings back happy memories of the time i worked as a baristar there. Shaking drinks, steaming milk, making foam, blending chocolate powder with ice and lots of little berry stuff, and of course preparing a full course meal for our customers. At Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, we serve you the best coffees at the right temperature at the right time. Feeling like a coffee? Went to church in the evening, and after a nice short mass, my family and i decide to shop at metrojaya. Plan to quench my thirst, i pop in at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf where i see, styled in the managers outfit, Christine, my dear friend from Mont Kiara outlet, where i was working before. My, oh my! Christine's now a manager. We used to be trainees, and now shes the big boss. How cool is that?
We had a nice chat, while they made me a large pure chocolate ice blend for me with a 10% discount. The values of being a staff of coffee bean n tea leaf. Oh how i miss them so much. People out there, want to know how i feel, just pop by and grab a drink at Coffee Bean n Tea Leaf and i promise you, you will leave with mouth watering moment. hehehehe.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
BBQ birthday bash!
BBQ birthday bash!
have the mix of the malaysian weather with a westernized pool side bbq idea and you get a malaysian pool side bbq birthday bash. (duhh....not too hard to figure out). Well Good morning my dear fellow bloggers. As i just got up not too long ago, i will tell a little of my friday night. Yup, attended Kaye's( a friend of mine from college) poolside bbq birthday bash. And yes i was allowed out the house for once, since it was just next door to my apartment. Puncak Prima, a total life saving destination( not to mention someone did die there sometime back, but hey your not supposed to know that). I went at around 8pm with Jess, Ham, and Sandeep. Now can u believe we had to register our names at the guard house even though we were going for a birthday party? well yeah thats what we had to do. As we wwalked in towards the poolside, we see Kaye and she runs and comes to give us a big warm hug. Now i dont remember getting a very very warm hug from a birthday girl before. Guess she must really love us for coming. heheheh. the night was young, and more and more people arrived. The company was great, the food, now shall we go there was awesome. Now i know i dont really eat much but with the food yesterday, i could eat all day.......bbq potatoes, grilled bbq chicken, grilled capsicum n mushrooms, sausages, chicken burgers with lots of mustard (note: i love mustard), and a mixed up salad ( it had purple cabages in it =) ) slurp! yummy! Never has my stomach gone into a food craze. hahahah. Kaye went swimming after a while styled in a whit bikini. Now i must say she has got great taste in bikini hunting, plus she hath a superb body for it (Hey Kaye if your reading this, you looked really hot in it!). Well thats about it for my night. I shall leave you with a mind boggling, tummy craving moment as you see these 2 pictures taken at the bash. KAye is the one in the white shirt and short pants. hahahahaha.....(yawn*) hmmmm. me still tired from the bash.
signing out now.

have the mix of the malaysian weather with a westernized pool side bbq idea and you get a malaysian pool side bbq birthday bash. (duhh....not too hard to figure out). Well Good morning my dear fellow bloggers. As i just got up not too long ago, i will tell a little of my friday night. Yup, attended Kaye's( a friend of mine from college) poolside bbq birthday bash. And yes i was allowed out the house for once, since it was just next door to my apartment. Puncak Prima, a total life saving destination( not to mention someone did die there sometime back, but hey your not supposed to know that). I went at around 8pm with Jess, Ham, and Sandeep. Now can u believe we had to register our names at the guard house even though we were going for a birthday party? well yeah thats what we had to do. As we wwalked in towards the poolside, we see Kaye and she runs and comes to give us a big warm hug. Now i dont remember getting a very very warm hug from a birthday girl before. Guess she must really love us for coming. heheheh. the night was young, and more and more people arrived. The company was great, the food, now shall we go there was awesome. Now i know i dont really eat much but with the food yesterday, i could eat all day.......bbq potatoes, grilled bbq chicken, grilled capsicum n mushrooms, sausages, chicken burgers with lots of mustard (note: i love mustard), and a mixed up salad ( it had purple cabages in it =) ) slurp! yummy! Never has my stomach gone into a food craze. hahahah. Kaye went swimming after a while styled in a whit bikini. Now i must say she has got great taste in bikini hunting, plus she hath a superb body for it (Hey Kaye if your reading this, you looked really hot in it!). Well thats about it for my night. I shall leave you with a mind boggling, tummy craving moment as you see these 2 pictures taken at the bash. KAye is the one in the white shirt and short pants. hahahahaha.....(yawn*) hmmmm. me still tired from the bash.
signing out now.
Friday, August 06, 2004
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
A much better day indeed... friends, my fellow bloggers, do you know how good a rose can make you feel? Well let me start by telling you my simple yet short pathectic story of my morning and how it turned out beautiful.
I got up late. You know those days, when you have got enough sleep but yet you still seem so tired and it feels like you were glued to your bed. Well thats how it felt to get up at 9.00 this morning. After that of which i rushed the morning moments of getting ready for college. Its now already 10, and i am just leaving the house. Class starts at 10, a definate sleepy late comer. I got to college with haste, there was no time to waste, as literature teacher doesnt accept excuses no more. Its now 10.15 and i enter class. Funny after all that rush, class hasnt even started. Turns out i made it just in time to begin. i moved my half asleep body across the room where i found my dearest friends( Jess and Ham) seated with a seat next to them empty(obvoiusly reserved for me). Class begins, with a sweet congratulations to the people who had made the cast of Much Ado about Nothing. a sheer applause for them. Class goes on, we continued our discussion on themes. n for the first time, my group presentation went on quite smoothly indeed even though we lacked preparation. i was quite pleased with the way we handled it. After class, had a bite with frens then rushed to class for maths. Now this is what i hate about replacement classes. One its at 12 o clock, which is an ungodly over for class as its lunch time, and two, the amount of ppl who will attend it. there were in total including me 3 ppl in class where we sat and did tedious sums that really got me frustrated. Its 2pm, and im done with maths. Easy but so frustrating. I run upstairs to the flower shop, pick two red roses and buy em off for Rm 0.50 each. Roses, roses, roses. I love roses, how they cheer me up from anything thats bugging me. So thats the end of my story as i have said its a simple yet short and pathectic story of my morning.
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"- William Shakespeare
later mates~
A much better day indeed... friends, my fellow bloggers, do you know how good a rose can make you feel? Well let me start by telling you my simple yet short pathectic story of my morning and how it turned out beautiful.
I got up late. You know those days, when you have got enough sleep but yet you still seem so tired and it feels like you were glued to your bed. Well thats how it felt to get up at 9.00 this morning. After that of which i rushed the morning moments of getting ready for college. Its now already 10, and i am just leaving the house. Class starts at 10, a definate sleepy late comer. I got to college with haste, there was no time to waste, as literature teacher doesnt accept excuses no more. Its now 10.15 and i enter class. Funny after all that rush, class hasnt even started. Turns out i made it just in time to begin. i moved my half asleep body across the room where i found my dearest friends( Jess and Ham) seated with a seat next to them empty(obvoiusly reserved for me). Class begins, with a sweet congratulations to the people who had made the cast of Much Ado about Nothing. a sheer applause for them. Class goes on, we continued our discussion on themes. n for the first time, my group presentation went on quite smoothly indeed even though we lacked preparation. i was quite pleased with the way we handled it. After class, had a bite with frens then rushed to class for maths. Now this is what i hate about replacement classes. One its at 12 o clock, which is an ungodly over for class as its lunch time, and two, the amount of ppl who will attend it. there were in total including me 3 ppl in class where we sat and did tedious sums that really got me frustrated. Its 2pm, and im done with maths. Easy but so frustrating. I run upstairs to the flower shop, pick two red roses and buy em off for Rm 0.50 each. Roses, roses, roses. I love roses, how they cheer me up from anything thats bugging me. So thats the end of my story as i have said its a simple yet short and pathectic story of my morning.
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"- William Shakespeare
later mates~
Oh what an awful day. My mind feels so stiff and my spirit is sulking to the beat of my heart. How many times hath i try till someone believe that i, i alone can wear another mask. Tis only natural that we all wear masks. No one is themself unless they are by themself. so what mask am i to where? what identity must i prevail?
Oh what an awful day. My mind feels so stiff and my spirit is sulking to the beat of my heart. How many times hath i try till someone believe that i, i alone can wear another mask. Tis only natural that we all wear masks. No one is themself unless they are by themself. so what mask am i to where? what identity must i prevail?
Thursday, August 05, 2004
i look up at the stars at night
and wished you in my sight
i cried a tear
hoped youre near
holding me close that night.
we float up in the milky way
feeling the warm silk ray
you hug me close
a tear arose
dreaming of you night and day.
i look up at the stars at night
and wished you in my sight
i cried a tear
hoped youre near
holding me close that night.
we float up in the milky way
feeling the warm silk ray
you hug me close
a tear arose
dreaming of you night and day.
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